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História Married to waiter - Chapter 1

Escrita por: nalla1234

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Capítulo 1 - Chapter 1

Fanfic / Fanfiction Married to waiter - Chapter 1

in konoha there are two first kingdom is the kingdom of uchiha, there are kings and queens of his name fugaku uchiha and his wife mikoto uchiha they have two sons. 

his eldest son named Itachi uchiha he is the prince was very friendly in the Kingdom, another case with his brother Sasuke uchiha he is very different from Itachi he would be cool to anyone except his own family, many people call prince ice while itachi prince spring because it is very friendly and made many women who fascinated him.  

The second kingdom is namikaze the kingdom, led by the king Minato namikaze and his wife kushina namikaze they have one son his name kyuubi namikaze he is very stubborn and all his wishes must be obeyed

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