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  3. The sisters Íris and Ísis

História Spirit Battle- English Version - The sisters Íris and Ísis

Escrita por: EnglishAccount

Capítulo 16 - The sisters Íris and Ísis

Fanfic / Fanfiction Spirit Battle- English Version - The sisters Íris and Ísis

 Kumiko, with the help of Captain Octus, got the Water Crystal. It was a bit complicated, since Afe, a pirate who possessed fire, water and electricity skills plus Chang, Midori's brother, tried to get the Crystal before the two of them. Now Renn would be walking in the Sahara Desert in search of the Crystal of the Earth, but she was weak, hungry and thirsty. She spent hours and hours walking and did not stop for even a second.

- I can't take it anymore. - said Renn. - I can never find that Crystal. 

 She knelt down and then lay on the sand that beat the sun's rays. She was very hot, very hungry and very thirsty. Because she was a guardian of Japan's natural nature, she would be in African lands, which comparing the climate of Africa with that of the Land of the Rising Sun, this was colder, while the Cradle of Humanity was warmer. Because of this, if a guardian of nature moves from a climate in which she was born and lived to a place with a very distinct climate, the chances of being weak until she dies are great, in Renn's case. 

 She ended up closing her eyes little by little and saying:

 - I seem to have failed. I won't be able to catch the Earth's Crystal. 

 I thought of Midori and smiled: 

 - Farewell... Midori... 

 She closed her eyes and was slowly dying. But behold, two girls appear, a blonde and a redhead. The blonde wore a short white sleeve, short jeans and sports shoes. The redhead already wore black short sleeves on top of a long grey one, jeans and social shoes. They looked like they had a zigzag tattoo, both on her right arm. 

 - Iris, you see, a guardian of nature. - said the blonde.

 - She looks weak. - said the redhead, her name was Iris. - Isis, let's take her to our sphinx.

 - Right. - said the blonde, her name would be Isis. 

 Meanwhile, the Fire And Ice sisters were also in the Sahara Desert. Akako would be feeling good, as it's in its characteristic climate, but Klaato on the other side, was complaining a lot of heat. 

 - Stay calm, sister. Soon it will be dark and you will enjoy the cold weather. - said Akako. 

 But Klaato still didn't seem satisfied. She wanted it to cool down as soon as possible. Then they saw from afar a man who wore several cloths to cover himself from the sun, had his mouth covered, wore boots, a staff, and looked like he had burnt his skin. 

 - Hey, you. - said Akako. - You got any drinks for my sister? She's dying of heat. 

 - Who are you... - the man looks at their clothes and gets intimidated. -... Black Eye. 

 - Don't worry. We won't hurt you if... - said Akako. 

 - I need your help. - said the man. - My name is Horus, if you help me get Cleopatra's staff and Pharaoh's talisman, I'll give you whatever you want. I can give you riches, valuable objects or else... 

 - The Crystal of the Earth. - said Klaato. 

 - Earth crystal? - Ask Horus.

 - That's right. If you help us get the Earth Crystal first, we'll help you conquer whatever you want. - said Klaato.

Horus was thoughtful but agreed. 

 - Done. - Answer me. - Come with me. That'll be easier than I thought. 

Meanwhile, Iris was giving Renn something to drink and this one had awakened. 

 - Where am I? - Ask the guardian.

 - Stay calm. You're in the Sphinx. - I said Iris. 

 - Who are you? - Ask Renn. 

 Isis had arrived with some fruit and water. 

 - Look at that. Looks like someone woke up. - said Isis. - My name is Isis and this is my sister, Iris. - she gives the food to Renn. 

 - We are the immortal daughters of Pharaoh and Cleopatra. The gods of Egypt blessed us with this gift with the mission of one day, to conquer the world. - said Iris. - But of course we will not conquer in the bad way, but in the good way. 

 - Yes, we have won these weapons from the gods. - said Isis. - I have Cleopatra's staff.

 - And I have the Talisman of Pharaoh. - said Iris. 

 Renn was impressed. They looked like simple girls, but there was something special about them. She speaks then: 

 - Well, I've heard of the Iris and Isis sisters, I would never have noticed it was you. I apologize for invading the Sahara Desert, but... 

 - Where are you from? - Ask Iris. 

 - I am from Japan. - said Renn. 

 - Wow. That country is very developed in technology. It would be great if we went there. Will you take us? - Ask Isis. 

 - Yes, I will, but not now. - said Renn. - I'm looking for the Crystal of Earth.

 - Crystal of the Earth? What does it look like? - inquires Iris.

 - I don't know, but... - ...she sees there's some kind of bright, brownish amulet around Iris' neck. - That one. 

 Iris looks at the supposed Crystal of the Earth and speaks: 

 - Really? That's the Earth Crystal?

 - Yes. - said Renn. 

 First of all, they were in a big room, with most of the furniture being gold. Horus and the Fire And Ice sisters made it in.

 - They should be right here. - said Horus, who put his ear to their bedroom door.

 He heard conversations. 

 - Looks like there's someone else with them. - said the bandit. 

 - It must be one of Midori Watanabe's little friends," said Klaato. 

 - Let me break that door down. - said Horus. 

 - Since that is the Crystal of the Earth... I found it on the floor and noticed it was quite beautiful. - said Renn. - But then, I'll give you what you want. 

 The moment Iris would give the Crystal to Renn, Horus can break the door down and talk: 

 - Hello, girls. 

 - Horus, you asshole. - said Isis.

 - Give me the Earth Crystal. - said the bandit. 

 They notice that there were members of the Black Eye together and they talk:

 - Don't worry, Renn. 

 Iris gives her the Crystal and says something in her ear. Renn then opened a little door that was on the wall and went out. 

 - She's running away! - Klaato throws a ray of geli, but Iris was clever, and blocked it by creating a force field with his staff.

While they were fighting all three, Renn would be running desperate to lose the Fire And Ice sisters. She'd end up crying because she feared Iris and Isis, who helped her, would die. She remembers out of nowhere that they were immortal and gives a smile.

 - Good luck, Iris. Good luck, Isis. - she said. - As soon as that dust comes down, I'll come back to take them to Japan. 

 Later, it was night. Renn was asleep when he woke up. She was in a village in the Sahara Desert. She was walking among the people and some of them were looking at her ugly. Behold, she sees the sisters Iris and Isis, with some bruises and little torn clothes. Renn speaks: 

 - Did you make it?

 - Well, we were defeated and we lost our homes. - said Iris. - We came here to get a job, to collect money and go to Egypt, which is our place of origin. We hope to get a new life there. 

 - We hope to find you again to go to Japan. - said Isis. 

 - Me too. But now I have to leave. - said Renn. - Thank you. 

 They hugged each other happily. 

Meanwhile Klaato and Akako were walking alone in the desert. 

 - Damn Horus. I'm glad we killed him. I can't believe we failed. - said Klaato. 

 - I hope the others have achieved something," said Akako. 

 - It's true. 

 Hu, who was in Antarctica and Midori, in the Amazon Forest, was still missing. Kumiko and Renn did their part, but what about them? Will they do theirs? 

 Unfortunately we ended up here, but stay tuned, because soon there will be the second season telling how Midori and Hu will go to find the Air and Fire Crystals. And the Spirit? Where could it be? Soon we will know the outcome of this journey of Midori Watanabe, who carries with him, along with his friends, the spirit of battle.

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