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  2. Those Who Are Loyal >
  3. Three

História Those Who Are Loyal - Three

Escrita por: NumphadoraTonks

Capítulo 3 - Three

A few days later I was in the livingroom, I had finished putting wards up against anyone with the Dark Mark, I had all five horcruxes, and the sword of Gryffindor, Dobby had placed a charm on Nagini to prevent her from moving, I started with her, I beheaded Nagini, she disintegrated in black smoke, as for the ring, my scar and three heirlooms of Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff, Dobby removed the soul shards into a crystal and I stabbed it, the same thing happened.

“Dobby pass word to the others that six of the horcruxes have been destroyed, tell them how you helped me cleanse the four inanimate objects without destroying the items, and tell the that the Death Eaters are hiding at Riddle Manor, and tell them that I'm going after Voldemort, since he'll be pretty weak” I said, Dobby nodded, I sent a quick letter to Remus saying that I was going to perform some very advanced magic to restore Tom's soul but to make sure that ‘Voldemort’ dies and that everyone who knew what Voldemort's birth name was and what Tom looked like as a 16 year old student would forget, except Ginny.

I flooed to Gaunt Shack to see Voldemort being guards by Wormtail and the Carrow Twins, I placed all three or them in bodybinds and put magic dampening bracelets on them, them looked at Voldemort, he was pretty weak, “i wish I could give you a second chance Tom but all of your horcruxes have been destroyed” I said, Tom's appearance changed back to his 16 year old appearance, “Rosemary Potter, you truly are a powerful witch like your parents, just Lily, your willing to give me a second chance after everything you've been through because me” Tom wheezed out.

“I’m so sorry that I have to this” I said in a shaky voice as I raised my wand, Tom used every ounce of his remaining strength, and whispered a spell, a wave of magic rushed through me, “i made so that underage magic can't be traced here, kill me, I don't want anyone else to suffer because of me” he said, I lowered my wand and walked closer to him, “i’m going to give you a second chance Tom, I can't bring myself self to kill you” I told Tom, and then explained my plan, he surprisingly agreed so I did what what planned.

“Thank you” Tom said, and he helped me create a golem of Voldemort's body and we removed all traces of it being a Golem, I explained about the betrayals and that ones that swore their allegiance to me would know the truth about him and would keep their mouths shut.

Tom said that he used his magic to make sure that Professor McGonagall sends him a letter, accepting him as a new sixth year and the curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position has been removed, I beamed and we went separate ways.

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