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Nome: Francine tsukihime
Localização: Vila Velha - ES
Aniversário: 20 de Maio
I can show u, what my dreams are made of as i'm dreaming of your face... i can't imagine being anywhere else but here. Honestly, I could sing u a song but i don't think words can express your beauty it's singing to me. How the hell did we end up like this? you bring out the beast in me... [b]I fell in love from the moment we kissed[/b]. since then we've been history. They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need, please stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken, but I swear that I will never leave... Please stay forever with me.


Usuário: tsukihimee
hoje na escola... diz o douglas que vai sair do manolagem, baka.
Usuário: tsukihimee
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