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  3. YoukoNakajima


Nome: Youko
[justo]I'm just a [i]chaotic[/i] and [i]delirious[/i] little child in a [u]lonely world[/u]. Maybe that's a phrase from lyrics of a song, but it's [b]the truth[/b]. Wanna be friends? Tell me what the hell lead you into this crazy idea. I'll tell good reasons to [i]quit[/i] this. [b][i]I'm not a good friend. I'm not a good person at all.[/i][/b] [b]Be aware of this.[/b][/justo]
[direita]Yours truly,[/direita]
[direita][i]N. Youko. [/i][/direita]

[esquerda]PS: By the way, I hate advertising, okay?[/esquerda]