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Fanfics com a tag Slow To Update

Ying Heroes - English Version

escrita por MrIf
Fanfic / Fanfiction Ying Heroes - English Version
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 15.808
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Naruto e Boruto
Gêneros Ação, Crônica, Drama / Tragédia, Ficção, Luta, Universo Alternativo
In the ninja world two essential things differ success from tragedy: intel and influence. The right Intel on the wrong hands could lead to tragedy and suffer, and under the right influence even a Dead Last could become a living legend of it's time.

What would happen then if a neglected orphan came to know a group fulfilled with the worst the ninja world had to offer?

The answer would left a sour taste in the world’s mouth.


What if Naruto was adopt by Akatsuki?
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