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Fanfics de Final Fantasy com o gênero Ficção sem o gênero Sátira

Stories coming out soon! Please stay tuned!!!!! ^^

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Stories coming out soon! Please stay tuned!!!!! ^^
Capítulos 1
Palavras 834
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Adolescente, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Lírica / Poesia, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Suspense, Terror e Horror
These are a list of stories coming out very soon!
So please stay tuned for them!!!!!!!!!! ^^
And please look at the list so you know which stories are for what, and the warnings are just placed there for a future reference for them. And of course not all of them are going to have those warnings. I mean a lot yes, but some not so much.
So again please enjoy this list as some of these will be out very shortly. Possibly starting with the Backstreet Boys one as a fourth of July kinda gift! XD
So here's to it.
And as stated before please enjoy!
And bye!
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Lost in you... Forever

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Lost in you... Forever
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 9
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Lírica / Poesia, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Basically this is about Cloud Strife being lost in a post apocalyptic world, afraid he's never going to get back to his own world, only to find out he is not alone. His crush and best friend ends up being stuck in here as well but something's different about her. She's lost all of her memories. Except for one. Her dear brother Zack's death. Thinking he's still alive she decides to team up with Cloud to figure out what the hell is going on this dangerous new land as they draw close to life and death. And to each other. Only to find out that there is another person that is here as well. The memoryless girl's other best friend, Reno. Who knows a lot more than he's letting on about their current situation. And only one good thing that can ever come out of this. Death. And maybe an ever lasting friendship. But that's if someone doesn't betray them first. But of course that is bound to happen, especially since jealousy and hurt rises between the two enstranged males. Especially since one of them is hiding from his darkened past while the other is only going to an equally dark future that may just end up leading the girl that stole both guys hearts down that same exact path. That's if she isn't already there losing the last bit of her sanity just to get back to her own world and her dearly departed puppy like brother, Zack Fair. Can they really make it out of here alive and one piece without trying to kill each other? Or will they succumb to the newfound darkness that is starting to take hold. Especially since now a fourth person will arise in a very weird way to the threaten the poorly knit trio apart.
Oh hell this will just end very poorly.
For absolutely everyone.
And now to enter this dog.
Ok jk.
But seriously.
Don't enter uncharted territories unless your dead set ready to go insane on the inside and very well will die.
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Tiki's Matchmaking Service

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Tiki's Matchmaking Service
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 518
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Adolescente, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Tiki a half demon half human match maker who is bad at one thing: His job.
He hires a smart ass, cocky, unsophisticated hot headed temperamental sassy young read headed male demon to help him with his job.

Ok so now enter Calcifer or Cal for short. Who is a young hot headed fire demon who was hired to one man's job. His backstory: very weird. And kinda funny.

So now enter this crazy old witch who calls herself, "Granny." Loved by few feared by all. She has the power to do many things. And being stable isn't one of them. She is also turned her granddaughter into a sassy, moody fluffy black cat and adoptive a young who is just as cooky called, "Maoymoaw."

And now lastly enter this young man who just so happened to come across a dating website, thinking nothing band hoping he we would be able to find his crush this way, seeing as she is nowhere to be seen and travels around alot he decided to register for it. Not nowing that it was secretly a matchmaking site that is known and famous for one thing: It's total and complete failure.

And now finally enter this girl who gets roped into helping not just Tiki but also Cal out with their assignments. Especially since they always go interestingly... Bad.
Not knowing what will become of this she agrees especially after hearing about thier current client: Cloud Strife.
Who also happens to be the girl's best friend and unknowingly and obviously to her, her undying love that also somehow gets unwillingly roped into thier shinanengans.
And what could become of this you say? Nothing chaos, drama, love, death, comedy and a little bit of action.
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Gypsies way of love and life

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Gypsies way of love and life
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 13
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Imagine Cloud into a pit of depression after one of his friend's died and the only way to move on in his eyes is to become a gypsy. Yep. You heard right.
It's three weeks after Tifa's funeral and Cloud can't seem to move on from the growing depression that's welling up inside of him. And wants nothing more than to give up his life, especially after all the pain and heartbreak he's been through. So to keep that from happening and to keep his loved ones from dying, he becomes a gypsy and... A prophet. And is amazingly good at it. Especially seeing into peoples' past lives and telling thier future. But what happens when he sees into his own dark future? And one night that invisioned future becomes a dark reality? Especially when it deals with Tifa's ressurection and his own half-sister dying. To prevent this he quits being a gypsy and a prophet to the public and becomes his sister's own private prophet instead. So he can keep close eye on her. But that doesn't stop a growing pain from occuring or from his own heart falling madly in love.
Things are not always as it seems...
And things are just about to get more complicated when he realizes one thing: That whatever else he is about to do, it. Is. Strictly. Forbidden.
But does that stop him from ever doing anything?
One simple answer to that is: Oh hell no.
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The Sunglasses Of Love Beach! ^^

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction The Sunglasses Of Love Beach! ^^
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 59
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Basically in this Cloud is getting over a very bad break up, with his long time girlfriend (Just try to guess and who it is. >.< Seriously gotta stop with this shit. But oh the fuck well. ^^".), and Tifa suggests that he go to the beach in Spira for a few days to get his mind off of it, and Zack tags so the loner wolf won't be so lonely while he is there. But things don't exactly go according to plan when his ex shows up under a curse?! Seriously can't a blond man just catch a damned break? Obviously not, cause after deciding (well more like being forced.), to help her out. He realizes one thing, he's still madly in love with her and tries his best to win her back. But unfortunately she's already engaged to an ex-Turk and is also forced to aid the last remaining remnant in a mission which got her cursed in the first place!
Well things are going to get very... Uh Scaly.
And quite interesting.
Especially when there is only one way to break the curse.
And that shall not be revealed until much later on in the story.
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Prankster Love Part I

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Prankster Love Part I
Em andamento
Capítulos 5
Palavras 10.409
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Suspense, Terror e Horror
What happens when you are set up on a match for two very attractive guys. Who just so happens pranksters, in their own ways? One being a puppy-like ex-soldier and the other a red head spontaneous ex-Turk. Well let's just say, things are about to get hot. Literally. Especially when they both find ways to claim your heart. For two very different reasons. One being out of love. The other well... That's just a different story right there. So there you have it! Two guys out for one girl's heart. And well let's just throw in another for good measure shall we? Right. Out for a long hot summer night in Midgar begins! But how? Well you'll have to find that out, now won't you?
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Eden Gor

escrita por SeraphIvillis
Fanfic / Fanfiction Eden Gor
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 1.487
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ficção
Características dos Personagens.
Destiny: Uma garota de cabelos castanhos e olhos azuis, uma bruxa muito poderosa da Classe A, usa um chapéu tipico de bruxas, possui um cajado de essência Cristalina.

Angel: Uma menino de 13 anos, cabelos brancos e olhos pretos. Um espadachim muito...bom, não tem melhores amigos porque acha que isso é besteira e causa muitos problemas. Usa uma baralho de Cartas Mágicas . Classe D da Ordem dos Guerreiros.

Zero: Um bruxo de 14 anos Classe B da Ordem dos Magos, cabelos pretos como a noite e olhos castanhos escuro. Não usa cajado e sim um Grimório herdado de seu falecido pai, que caso morreu em uma luta contra um dragão do Gelo, Zero fez uma promessa para si mesmo que quando chegasse a Classe A mataria aquele mostro para vingar a morte de seu pai.

Glub: Um anão. Ele é um dos filhos da Morte, usa Magia Negra mesmo não sabendo oque fazer, não possui classe porque acham que todos filhos da Morte são seres horríveis que não deveriam existir, pois sempre causam problemas, catástrofes, caos, etc. Usa uma Foice de ouro que a própria Morte deu para ele por dó.
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Flying Phoenix

escrita por aluapsepol
Fanfic / Fanfiction Flying Phoenix
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 1.917
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Policial
Roxanne era como a fênix que tanto amava, concluiu Vincent. Ela voou alto, incendiou seu caminho, iluminou os céus, encantou com suas façanhas lendárias. Isso não mudou com sua morte, nada mais digno que ser consumida pelo fogo que ela mesma causou. Ele apenas esperava que, como a fênix, ela pudesse renascer das cinzas.
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O Declínio dos Deuses - Ragnar Returns

escrita por lMephis
Fanfic / Fanfiction O Declínio dos Deuses - Ragnar Returns
Em andamento
Capítulos 4
Palavras 5.133
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy, Grand Chase, Ragnarök
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Ficção, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Sobrenatural, Universo Alternativo
Aqui conta uma história onde um Deus Maligno chamado Ragnar , provoca uma guerra , deixando o mundo destinado a acabar , Mas prevendo isso Yuria , Deusa da Sabedoria , se alia com Thanah-Toh , Deus Da Constituição para trazer uma esperança a Asgard , Essa esperança se chamam " Os Enviados de Yuria "
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Crystalis History

escrita por Nitrome
Fanfic / Fanfiction Crystalis History
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 348
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Ficção, Literatura Erótica, Romântico / Shoujo
Um mundo... Três reinos... Seis heróis... Um objetivo.
Em um mundo distante chamado Bisca, existiam três reinos, Darken, Dalkia e Souks
Por algum motivo o reino de Darken começou a atacar o de Souks. Dalkia estava no meio do caminho (literalmente) entre os reinos e por isso era um dos principais campos de guerra entre eles. Orion, rei de Dalkia, achou que o culpado fosse o rei de Dalkia e bolou um plano para destruí-lo.
Mas uns dias após a destruição notou que cometera um grande erro ao faze-lo.
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