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Fanfics de Harry Potter com Helga Hufflepuff e Lord Voldemort - Classificação Livre sem o personagem Sibila Trelawney sem o gênero Ação sem a tag Marotos

Gêmeos Potter e a Pedra Filosofal

escrita por LyaraArayl

Fanfic / Fanfiction Gêmeos Potter e a Pedra Filosofal
Capítulos 17
Palavras 85.127
Idioma Português
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Aventura, Fantasia, Ficção, Magia / Misticismo, Saga
Harry e Luna Potter nunca tinham ouvido falar em Hogwarts até o momento em que as cartas começaram a aparecer no capacho do número 4 da rua dos Alfeneiros. Endereçadas com tinta verde em pergaminho amarelado e um lacre púrpura, elas são rapidamente confiscadas por seus tios terríveis. E então, no décimo primeiro aniversário de Harry e Luna, um homem gigantesco com olhos luzindo como besouros negros chamado Rúbeo Hagrid entra intempestivamente com uma notícia assombrosa: Harry e Luna Potter são bruxos e tem vagas na Escola de Magia e Bruxaria de Hogwarts.

Uma aventura inacreditável está para começar!
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Dark Prince

escrita por SassyDevil17
Fanfic / Fanfiction Dark Prince
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 8.047
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Fantasia, Gay / Yaoi
Harry Potter had found out the truth behind his life. Dumbledore manipulate him using as a mere weapon, the friendship of his friends Ron and Hermione were all all lies. Until he met a mysterious girl who knows the truth of his life. Now Harry knows who about himself. He is not the Boy-Who-Lived. The savior of the wizarding world and no longer in the so-called-light side. He is Harrison Ceberus Salazar Riddle son of the Dark Lord, He-who-must-not-be-name,Lord Voldemort. He will continue the plan of his father and destroy Dumbledore and the Order of Phoenix.

A/n: Sorry For the summary guys. Not quite good at it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. J.K Rowling does she is a wicked author!
Warning: Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Ginny and Hermione Bashing! Sorry to all the fans that liked some of these characters

Also this story is in the wattpad and I'm the author of it.
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Gêmeos Potter e a Câmara Secreta

escrita por LyaraArayl

Fanfic / Fanfiction Gêmeos Potter e a Câmara Secreta
Capítulos 18
Palavras 94.615
Idioma Português
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Aventura, Fantasia, Ficção, Magia / Misticismo, Saga
O verão de Harry e Luna Potter incluiu o pior aniversário de suas vidas, alertas catastróficos de um elfo doméstico chamado Dobby e o resgate da casa dos Dursley por seus amigos Ronny, Fred e Jorge Weasley em um carro voador!
De volta à Escola de Magia e Bruxaria de Hogwarts para seu segundo ano, Harry e Luna ouvem sussurros ecoando pelos corredores vazios - e então começam os ataques. São encontrados alunos que parecem ter se transformado em pedra... as sinistras previsões de Dobby parecem se concretizar.
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Harry Potter: The shadows of the concealed Mirror

escrita por Nathans_Basement
Fanfic / Fanfiction Harry Potter: The shadows of the concealed Mirror
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 1.378
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Conto, Crônica, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Novela, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
In this imaginative interpretation, the story unfolds as if Harry Potter's experiences are a manifestation of his mental struggles. The Dursleys, his supposed parents, represent the harsh realities he faces, either as caregivers unable to comprehend his deepening delusions or as abusers causing his deteriorating mental state. The persistent mistreatment and favoritism directed towards his "brother" Dudley amplify his sense of isolation, cruelty, and humiliation.

One pivotal moment occurs when Harry's escalating fantasies lead to Dudley's grave injury, symbolic of Harry's own inner turmoil. The injury, portrayed as the growth of a magical pig's tail, serves as a metaphor for the emotional wounds that both Harry and his brother carry. This catastrophic event triggers Harry's removal from his surroundings, as he is sent to a "special school" to address his growing psychological complexities.

By weaving these elements together, the story explores the fragile boundary between reality and imagination, delving into the depths of Harry's mental illness and the coping mechanisms he creates. The narrative raises questions about the fine line between perception and distortion, challenging readers to reflect on the power of the mind and the impact of trauma on one's perception of the world.
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