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Fanfics de Harry Potter com Luna Lovegood e Pomona Sprout em Inglês sem o personagem Argo Filch sem a tag Drama

Harry and Hermione: It started early

escrita por Spryor
Fanfic / Fanfiction Harry and Hermione: It started early
Em andamento
Capítulos 3
Palavras 1.981
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Fantasia, Ficção Adolescente, Literatura Erótica, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense
It was no secret that Harry James Potter was the boy who lived in the wizarding world after Voldemort has killed his beloved parents, James and Lillian Evans Potter. After the dark lord had killed them and he tried to kill him, Harry was left the door step of the Dursley's home. The Dursleys has hated James and Lily Potter, as they were unDursley-ish to them. They hated everything that had to do with magic, including James and Lily's offspring, Harry. Vernon and Petunia Dursley had a son their own to look after. Their son, Dudley was eight days older than Harry was. The Dursley had hated anything magical because Petunia's sister, Lily was magical and she wasn't. They then started to treat Harry poorly and favor their own child over him. They would often starve him, make him cook their breakfast, lunch and dinner, Give him Dudley's over sized hand-me-downs, abuse him whenever he asked question about his parents or did something to anger them, or have Dudley use him as a punching bag. Harry then meet a girl named Hermione Granger at the age of ten years old, she then learns that he is being abused and she tells her parents. Her parents then take Harry in as their son, they grow up together, fall in love with one another, and save the world together.
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New beginnings

escrita por NymphTonks99
Fanfic / Fanfiction New beginnings
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 3.252
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter, Saga Crepúsculo
Gêneros Famí­lia, Ficção Adolescente, Luta
Kaitlyn Lillian Potter has had enough of Dumbledore's manipulations, she contacts Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville and they decided to fight the forces of darkness, the fate of the window world is in their hands and their hands alone.
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The Potter Clan

escrita por NumphadoraTonks
Fanfic / Fanfiction The Potter Clan
Em andamento
Capítulos 5
Palavras 4.106
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Famí­lia, Magia / Misticismo
Roxanne Potter has just finished fourth year, having done Tri-Wizard Tournament and saved Cedric Diggory from immediate death, Lord Voldemort returned but he and his Followers witnessed the two Hogwarts Champions fend off an onslaught of Dumbledore's followers untill very few Order members turned up to help, so he gave the champions some information after the battle which made the suspicious of Dumbledore's intentions not only for the Wizarding World but also for Roxanne.
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The Founders return

escrita por NymphTonks99
Fanfic / Fanfiction The Founders return
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 2.308
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Ficção Adolescente
Elladora Lilian Elizabeth Potter has beaten Voldemort, , Elladora and her friends return to repeat the year they missed due to the Death Eaters taking over and the war. Something caused the Founders to return to Hogwarts, it is revealed that Slytherin was not the pure-blood Suprematist that Voldemort made him out to be.

Pairings: Elladora/Godric soul bond, Hermione/Salazar soul bond
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Harry Potter: The shadows of the concealed Mirror

escrita por Nathans_Basement
Fanfic / Fanfiction Harry Potter: The shadows of the concealed Mirror
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 1.378
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Conto, Crônica, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Novela, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
In this imaginative interpretation, the story unfolds as if Harry Potter's experiences are a manifestation of his mental struggles. The Dursleys, his supposed parents, represent the harsh realities he faces, either as caregivers unable to comprehend his deepening delusions or as abusers causing his deteriorating mental state. The persistent mistreatment and favoritism directed towards his "brother" Dudley amplify his sense of isolation, cruelty, and humiliation.

One pivotal moment occurs when Harry's escalating fantasies lead to Dudley's grave injury, symbolic of Harry's own inner turmoil. The injury, portrayed as the growth of a magical pig's tail, serves as a metaphor for the emotional wounds that both Harry and his brother carry. This catastrophic event triggers Harry's removal from his surroundings, as he is sent to a "special school" to address his growing psychological complexities.

By weaving these elements together, the story explores the fragile boundary between reality and imagination, delving into the depths of Harry's mental illness and the coping mechanisms he creates. The narrative raises questions about the fine line between perception and distortion, challenging readers to reflect on the power of the mind and the impact of trauma on one's perception of the world.
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Daises and Bruises

escrita por HaroldPeter
Fanfic / Fanfiction Daises and Bruises
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 109
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Harry Potter
Gêneros Drama / Tragédia, Ficção
This is a Harry Potter Fanfiction. This is based on the the theory from reddit from the user under the name Mr. Broomstick called "Hogwarts Insane Asylum". This theory states that it was all in Harry's head, causing him to become mentally ill and delusional where he goes to ST. Brutus which is actually a mental hospital and as the story progresses it is from Harry's perspective and point of view thus detaching the audiences from reality. The mental disorders are listed here.

1. Personality Disorder: Creating multiple personalities.
2. Schizophrenia: A long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation bewteen the thought, emotion and behavior.
3. PTSD: (Post traumatic stress disorder), reliving traumatic memories like when Harry has dreams about his lost loved ones.
4. Pyschosis and sociopathy: Lack of empathy for people and things, poor behavioral controls, and manipulate behavior, pathological lying.
5. OCD (Obessive compulsive disorder): Order/cleaning like what is seen with Dolores Umbridge and Hermione Granger.
6. Narcisstic: Having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical apearance.

Also this story is quite triggering for most people. It touches up on abuse, rape, neglect and of course, mental illnesses. If any of these trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable, Please stop reading by any means neccessary. I don't mean to trigger anyone. If you do decide to read it, then please tell me what you think whether it is negative or positive, if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment and maybe even a like, my name is Daniel Landon, I'm the writer of this book. Nothing belongs to me except the plot of the story. Byeee.
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