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Fanfics de Sherlock e X-Men - Tag Johnlock sem o gênero Terror e Horror sem a tag Amor

"I Feel You" a Teen!lockX-Men crossover.

escrita por jowhnlock
Fanfic / Fanfiction "I Feel You" a Teen!lockX-Men crossover.
Em andamento
Capítulos 3
Palavras 2.381
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Sherlock, X-Men
Gêneros Ficção Adolescente
Sherlock is an 17-year-old introverted mutant who considers Xavier's School for Gifted Youngster his home. Besides he doesn't have any friends and both of his parents passed away, Holmes have a smooth life going on... until this guy shows up. John Watson is everything Sherlock most hate in people. There is no chance they could get along at all! Or is there?
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