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  2. Boyish girl >
  3. Illusion

História Boyish girl - Illusion

Escrita por: Melody_ZnZ e Dadushi

Notas do Autor

Tnx for reading for so long ..we hope you enjoy this chapter😉

Capítulo 13 - Illusion

The third time I opened my eyes I could see blurred faces around me circulating in different shapes but  I still was unable to distinguish them I tried so hard to do so but each time I failed and I started to have pounding headache ,and all I could do ,was falling into the darkness  behind my eyelashes.. It soothed the pain that I had(and I didn't know why), the sorrow for not knowing anything,and so many other feelings which I couldn't name them at all .at the same time I tried to remember the past and figuring out the reason why I couldn't move ..for a second I assumed that I might be dead but then I denied it by the fact that I knew I could still think....behind me eyes the owner of the realm was darkness..and it ruled every little thought of mine in there ..I felt Like I might be sinking in ocean in which I didn't know where it located..and I just kept sinking and once my eyes were closed ,the water wouldn't late it open again.

I lost the track of time ,I didn't know how many days past ...But I recall that I became so happy  when  I heard a voice for the first time .it was like siren  ...but I felt that I survived from that deafening silence, from that darkness.and it felt so real, and I liked it ...but after that I captivated by that darkness once more...

First vision...

 I opened my eyes one more time knowing I will be dissapointed like all other times that I struggled to recognize some thing..but this time was different I..cause I saw something..It was like a face ..a boy face cause I could easily understand it by the hairshape I didn't know him ..I thought maybe I'm in hell CAUSE I HATED BOYS this feeling(hatered)came to me from the second that I opened my eyes and saw that boy who was definetly Ugly  correction he was Butt_uggly  maybe all of the boys were like him but I hated all shits about boys ..they can be assholes I don't were the asshole word came but I gueesed maybe I had interacted with boys before..

"Hey!Melody ..Melody..I can't believe it ..after 5month..eventually you woke up"the boy said while his eyes filled with tears when I saw that sad eyes a shiever came to me...I felt a strong thing in them ..something which was familiar to me ..but I couldn't remember what it was...the stranger came to me and held my hand which made another whoever..GOSH that was familiar to ..I thought what is this feeling that I just got?but I couldn't answer cause he yelled for Doctors ...I found the answer for one of my questions..I was in the hospital..but what had happened to me ..and why I was there??????

The doctors came in the blinkof an eye.

He told them about how I woke up ..one of them replayed"oh...God blessed her one more time to you guys..you should be thankful..cause we all lost our hopes and wanted to take out the machines.."his face was so cold that you couldn't guess what his impression was ...another one said"but there may be some side effects...."he said alote of things that I couldn't understand but whatever it was it made the boy sad and his impressions went blank...

When the doctors went out the boy sat next to me held my hand and said"I love you Mel,no matter what happened to you.."he kissed my hand but didn't let go of it..beheld it for so long..longer than he should then he stood up kissed my forehead and said "sleep my beauty queen..I know you are exhausted..nothing won't happen,I'd be there for you" his words warmed me up his voice was very familiar but I was still unable to recognize I spined my head ..For as sec I freaked out my are was in plaster..when the boy saw my impression he said"I will tell you all of thus when you become better,but now just sleep"but I couldn't close my eyes anymore I spined my head to the other side..fortunately there was just a srum ..

He came to me and said one more time "don't worry"when I didn't sleep he started simgimg a lullaby which was magical and made me sleep....

Notas Finais

Any ideas???
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