1. Spirit Fanfics >
  2. Dando a Louca na Tia Nightmare 4 - Zuera Corrompe >
  3. Festa do Karaoke. Parte Final. Drill

História Dando a Louca na Tia Nightmare 4 - Zuera Corrompe - Festa do Karaoke. Parte Final. Drill

Escrita por: NightmareLover

Notas do Autor

Chegou a hora

Capítulo 57 - Festa do Karaoke. Parte Final. Drill

Eu: Muito bem Drill hora do Gran Finale!

*Drill sobe no palco e as luzes se apagam*

Doppler: Nebula! Nova! Preparem o palco!

*Uma densa névoa roxa e dourada brilhantes começam a levantar, a névoa roxa forma um manto nas costas da Drill e a dourada ilumina o resto*

Drill: Assim é melhor...

Eu: Ok Lady Gaga em forma de Reploid solta a cantoria garota.

Drill: Deixa comigo.

Doppler: Protejam seus ouvidos!


Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

Hey there!

How ya doin'?

Nice to meet you, are you new in town?

Don't think I've seen you before

It's great to see new faces around!

And if you like it

I can give a tour

Of our enchanting wonderland

New and improved without the doors!

There's no escape but then

Who would wanna leave?

It's a fantastical paradise

And it's not, make-believe!

I'm so glad to have an other member of the band

You're one of us now

So let me take you by the hand!

But what is that I spy?

With my robotic eye?

I think I see a bit of flesh inside the new guy!

Maybe he isn't everything that he seems

Time to investigate

What's underneath the seams!

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

The nights

If you survive the nights

Oh, I'll take you away

To our enchanting land of play

Forgive me for being suspicious

Mischief's not on my brain

We're programmed to be pragmatic

If someone messes with the mainframe

It's not that we don't trust you

We do!

(We love you too)

It's just that, here's at Freddy's

We have a few rules

And if you break them

We will have to break you

Like you broke our hearts

We'll be forced to rewire you

And repair your damage parts

Now, you wouldn't want that

And frankly, neither would I

But sometimes to do some good

You've gotta be

The bad guy!

In this world, we play

We hope that you will stay

And we will throw a most

Electifying soirée

Formal attire is required

For you to take part

You've got some skin that needs

Removing before we start

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight

And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright

We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight

You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night

I'm sure you'll survive

Just don't break the rules

And play nice

And I'm sure we'll all get along

We'll be the best of friends


*todos aplaudem mesmo que tenham ficado quase surdos exceto Doppler, Trebero e as outras irmãs da Drill*

Drill: Obrigado :3 *desce do palco*

Eu: Então acabou a sessão de karaoke pessoal! Tomem um último drink e depois aproveitem até acabar a festa!

*Drill senta numa mesa solitária, Gandora vê ela meio triste e resolve animar ela levando um coquetel pra ela*

Drill: Gandora?

Gandora: Oi...

Drill: O que...? *vira e vê uma taça grande do lado da Gandora* Por que trouxe isso?

Gandora: Achei que precisasse de algo pra se animar, não se preocupe não tem álcool e é chocolate sem açúcar *coloca um canudo grande nele e a Drill começa a tomar o coquetel*

*Rainbow Doomsday vê a cena e resolve se aproximar*

Rainbow: O que está a incomodar-te?

Drill*fazendo uma pausa*: Bem... As vezes eu sinto que não tenho utilidade em algo específico que ajude todos... Algum momento sinto que não poderei ajudar mais ninguem... Mas ainda assim... Bem... Você entendeu... *volta a tomar o coquetel*

Rainbow: Compreendo, é difícil entender o fato de que não podemos fazer algo pelas pessoas que a gente ama, mas fazer o possível é o melhor que se pode fazer... Não importa o que fazer, o que importa é a intenção e por quem nós fazemos, eu disse o mesmo ao seu irmão.

Drill*terminando o coquetel* Agradeço o conselho.

Rainbow: Sinta-se a vontade pra pedir conselhos sempre que quiser.

Drill: Obrigada de novo.... Me sinto melhor.

Rainbow: Não precisa agradecer.

Gandora: Tá de brincadeira que tu tomou essa taça inteira?

Drill: Sério? *nota a taça vazia* Oh...

Gandora: Tudo bem... O importante é que se sente melhor.

Drill: É verdade.

Notas Finais

Nega não, a Drill é um doce mesmo sendo dura que nem rapadura :3

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