1. Spirit Fanfics >
  2. Depressed : : min yoongi >
  3. 『chapter one』

História Depressed : : min yoongi - 『chapter one』

Escrita por: willcw

Notas do Autor

Ayee guys. This is my first story, so I hope this won't be a flop >.< enjoyy


Capítulo 1 - 『chapter one』

"Min Yoongi. " 

Yes. That's me, Min Yoongi. A someone who has probably no hope at life. My life is just weird. Just... abnormal.

Yoongi's POV

- ring ring - 

*clicks snooze for 5 minutes*

5 minutes later 

-ring ring-

"ah f**k it"

I got up and checked my phone's time. 

"shit, i hope I don't be late for school. Skshdfdd" 

My // Yoongi's morning routine for the day

-brush teeth

-eat breakfast 

-change into school clothing 

-packs school bag

I grabbed my bag from the floor and shouted from the front door. 

"Bye mOm" i swung the door shut and headed to school. 

Last night, I had made a promise to myself, to try to be more friendly to others so that i could - have more company, if that actually makes sense. 

"wElp, goOd morning yoonGii¡"

"g-good morning." I greeted my frie- I mean, classmate, Jung Hoseok, the ball of sunshine. 

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