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História Just a Kiss - Whatcha Gonna Do

Escrita por: HopefulRomantic

Capítulo 33 - Whatcha Gonna Do

Fanfic / Fanfiction Just a Kiss - Whatcha Gonna Do

"You'd better stand back for this," Addi said, stepping in front of me as Mercurius's animus slithered towards us through the rubble.

"Uh," I said, aware of the approaching sound of sirens in the distance, "Maybe we should get out of here."

Oh great, what was I suggesting? We run like criminals?

But it didn't matter what I said anyway, since neither Addi nor Mercurius moved. They both stood poised to attack the other. Yeah, even Addi started to hold up her palm. Like she was--

But no, couldn't be. The sirens clicked off outside and Mercurius gave a little huff, saying, "Clara. I suggest you come with me if you wish to avoid some very uncomfortable questions."

If anyone could walk through a barricade of police cars without being stopped, it was Mercurius. And right now, I wanted to get as far from the evidence of my newfound demonic powers as possible.

I glanced at Addi for some sort of confirmation that this was okay, but her expression was unreadable.

"See that you take care," Mercurius said over his shoulder as his animus turned translucent and disappeared back into his palm.

And you know what's odd? I could swear under the sarcasm in his voice, there was a hint of real concern.

With that, I followed him out.

Once we were pulling out of the parking lot, he said, "She'll be fine."

But I wasn't so much sure he was talking to me as he was himself.

It kind of made me want to know more, not gonna lie. I mean, was there something between them? But I sure as heck was not gonna ask him about. Not now.

To my surprise, Mercurius brought me straight home. And maybe this shouldn't have been a surprise, but he wouldn't tell me anything about what had happened. Nothing but guesses, that is.

"Most likely your anger triggered... a reaction in the embedded jewel." He seemed distracted, answering only in stilted sentences punctuated by long pauses while he stared fixed at the road. "Indeed, it is likely amplifying your true demon energy."

If I didn't know better, I'd say something was really bothering him. The usually so perfectly stoic Mercurius seemed worried.

And that in itself was a bit scary.

"Are you, uh, okay?"

To be fair, I was not one to ask this. Not while I was probably dripping jam onto his fancy, leather seats.

"I am fine."

This, he insisted when we pulled up at my house. He didn't even walk me to the door. Just watched me open it and sped away.

When I got up to my room, a familiar shadow waited on the other side of the patio door.

"Do I even want to ask?" Chance said as he slid it shut behind him. Reaching out to swipe a bit of jam from my cheek, he said, "Huh, raspberry."

Notas Finais

Yay, an update! :D

Question of the day! Do you read printed books? I actually prefer to read that way. There's just something so amazing about that new-book smell...

Thanks for reading!
❤ ❤ ❤

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