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  3. Kasumi and Jaciara

História Kasumi Potira and the Potira Tribe - Kasumi and Jaciara

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Capítulo 6 - Kasumi and Jaciara

Fanfic / Fanfiction Kasumi Potira and the Potira Tribe - Kasumi and Jaciara

A week goes by after Kasumi's trip to Japan. 

 After she returned, the Potira people lived in peace and tranquility. It was nine in the morning, when Kasumi was getting ready to go to class, when someone called Tupi, who would see who it was. 

 - Good morning, Chief Tupi. - said Jaciara.

 - Oh, good morning, Jaciara. - answers the chief. - What do you want?

 - I was wondering if I could go with Kasumi to class. - said the squaw. 

 - Well, if she wants. Wait a minute.  

- Yes, sir. 

 Tupi was going to talk to Kasumi, who was getting ready in his room. 

 - Kasumi, Jaciara. - said Tupi. 

Kasumi turns red and talks: - What does she want? 

 - To accompany you to class. 

Kasumi was dull, she was very shy around people, except her father, the shaman and her teacher, Pagan. 

 - Tell her I'm fine. 

 Tupi smiled across her arms and sat on the redhead's bed. 

 - Kasumi, we need to talk.

 - About what? - Ask the redhead. 

 - Her relationships. 

 - My relationships? What about them? - Asked Kasumi. 

 - Well, you're always dull when I mention Jaciara or when she's around. That's always happened to you around other people. Why is that? 

 Kasumi would sit next to Tupi and say: 

 - It's just that I'm afraid, I don't know why. 

 - Because it's different? - Ask Tupi. - Kasumi, understand, being different is not a bad thing, it's even something special. You notice that Jaciara treats you well, wants you around and everything. In the past I was just like you, but little by little I was socializing. It seems that the same thing is not happening to you. 

 Kasumi looks at Tupi and talks: 

 - What was your first friendship?

 - Unfortunately it was with Nambá, the current leader of the Hitachi Tribe. - said Tupi. - He was also different like you. No one could merge two elements to create one. He met me and we became friends, until the moment he discovered I was the son of the chieftain. He became jealous of me and began to have attitudes that violated our rules, until the moment he was banished. 

 Kasumi looked at him seriously.

 - What I mean is that you should value your friendship with Jaciara. Enjoy it, Kasumi. - Tupi kisses his daughter's forehead and says. - Go to class. I love you. 

 - I love you too. - answers the redhead, who was coming out of the hollow. 

 She meets Jaciara and this line:

 - Shall we? 

 - Yes. - Kasumi answers, and they were both walking. 

 - Kasumi. - said Jaciara. - When the class is over, can we go in an open field? 

 - What for? - Ask Kasumi. 

 - Training. - Answer Jaciara. 

 - It's the first time I've trained with anyone. - the redhead spoke in a sad tone. 

 Jaciara hugs her and kisses her on the cheek, which makes the redhead blush. 

 Later, after class, Kasumi went to the hollow and Jaciara spoke: 

 - Where are you going? 

 - To warn my father that I will train with you. - said Kasumi. 

 - It's okay. I'll go with you. - Jaciara was accompanying her friend. 

 Pagan, she watched them smiling and thought with you: 

 -"I'm glad Kasumi and Jaciara are getting along. I just don't understand how Kasumi didn't notice the presence of my second best student." 

 On the open field, there were both Kasumi and Jaciara, ready to train. 

 - Ready? - Ask Jaciara. 

 - Yes. - answers Kasumi. 

 - When we're done, I want to ask you a question. - I announced Jaciara.

 - That's all right. You can ask anything you want. - answers the redhead.

Jaciara threw a ray of water through her mouth, but Kasumi created a stone shield and against it attacks with a ray of wind. Jaciara diverts and throws a great ball of fire. Kasumi now raises his stone shield and undoes his burning body like a teleport. She appears behind Jaciara and gives an arm key. 

 - Wow, you're smart. - said Jaciara. - But I'm also good at fighting. 

She knocks Kasumi out, like karate style. Kasumi gets up fast and both start exchanging punches and kicks for a few minutes, until Kasumi gives Jaciara a shave and goes over to her and immobilizes her. Jaciara undoes her body in water and reappears behind Kasumi a few meters away from her. Jaciara concentrates psychic rays, which would be from the spirit element. Kasumi creates a shield with that same element and goes up in flames. She reappears on top of a tree and speaks:

 - What if we increase the intensity further?

 - You're talking about... - Jaciara said.

 - Yeah, since we're the only ones who know how to increase our power on that level, why not do it now? - asked Kasumi, confidently. 

 - All right, let's do that. - said Jaciara. 

 - Good. Let's use the Spiritual Fury. - a purple aura hovered around one of each. 

 They then went up and seemed to fight really, really. 

 Outside the training, Jê would be meditating and seemed to be talking to the spirits, because he was very concentrated, until he felt both powers increase to their maximum. 

 -Why are they activating their powers now?" asks the shaman. 

 Pagan and Tupi also felt the same. 

 - But what's going on? - Heathen questioner, who was in his hollow.

 - Are they fighting that seriously? I think it's best to stop their fun. - Tupi said, that came out of his hollow. 

Kasumi and Jaciara were still training hard, but they didn't realize they'd be getting the attention of the Three Sovereigns. 

 - Kasumi, you're strong, huh, girl? - Jaciara said. 

 - You don't fight bad either. - said Kasumi. 

 They both looked tired, but they were still excited to continue the fight. They were so focused on their training, they were scared of a greater power, that it would come close to them.

 - But someone's been coming here. - said Kasumi. 

 - Who would that be? - Ask Jaciara. 

 - It is I. - It was Tupi, who appeared with his arms crossed. - If I knew they were going to fight for real, I would come along. 

 They were out of touch and deactivated the Spiritual Fury.

 Later, the three of them were walking back home. Tupi was in the front and the two were just behind. Jaciara looked at Kasumi and called her by name.

 - What was it? - He asks the redhead. 

 - I'm sorry to ask you. - said the squaw. - But you never smiled in your life? 

 Kasumi kept quiet, but made a point of answering Jaciara. 

 - I've never smiled since I was a child. I never know the reason, but I think it was lack of will or else... - I'd take a break. - Maybe there's no real reason to smile.

 Jaciara would stand still and say:

 - I'm sorry I asked. 

 - No need to apologize. - said Kasumi. - I understand your curiosity. She hugs you and speaks: - You're my first and best friend in my life. I will protect you from all evils that may exist. I'm sorry I'm a bad friend, now I'll only get better. I love you, Jaciara.

Jaciara is speechless. She was the most popular of the class, but the one she considered really friendly, even if she didn't treat it as such was Kasumi. 

Tupi, who walked deaf and dumb, smiled. She was happy to hear what Kasumi had to say. 

 And so, this chapter ends, but before it does, let's see what is happening in the tribe opposite the Potira Tribe. 

 It was practically the same house, the Indians were just stronger and bolder than the Potira Tribe. From there came Nambá da Oca, current enemy of Tupi.

 - Hitachi Tribe! - said. - After years without attacking the Potira Tribe, we will be close to organizing a war! But first, we will make some threats, whatever I will accept, but do not kill anyone. For we will spill their blood in the HITACHI TRIBO WAR!!! 

 They all shouted war and screamed like knights of the Middle Ages.

 Nambá went back to his hollow and there was a beautiful girl very much like Kasumi. She also had very white skin, traces similar to Japanese, but her hair and eyes were white and she wore a white kimono and boots of the same color too. 

 - My beautiful Nambara. - said Nambá. - Soon you will be my wife. 

Nambara looked 32 and Nambá looked 48. 

 - I heard that Chief Tupi's daughter looks like me. - said Nambara. 

 Even though they were 32 and Nambá 48, they looked younger. 

 - She's not Brazilian. - said Nambara. - From her name she looks Japanese. 

 - You're prettier than her. - said Nambá. 

 - Too bad I came out with a genetic defect in skin pigmentation. I look albino. - said Nambara.

 - But you're still mine. They then kissed at the war cries of the Hitachi Tribe. And now what? What will this war be like? What will Tupi and Kasumi do? What about this Nambara? Would she be stronger than our dear redhead?

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