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  2. Liar!! (A Brother's Conflict Fanfic) >
  3. The Observation

História Liar!! (A Brother's Conflict Fanfic) - The Observation

Escrita por: Black_Lotus_Queen

Capítulo 24 - The Observation

Asuza's POV
The next day, I woke up beside Yuki. I look at her pleasant face. How the sun is perfectly falling on her flawless skin. She looks like a fallen angel. As I was admiring her beauty, the events from last night come rushing to my mind.

I immediately, but carefully, get up, put the chair back near her desk, open the drawer and grab the knife. As soon as I grab it, my hand begins to shake. My breathing starts to get faster and my heart rate increses as I'm trying to calm myself down.

I shut the drawer and leave Yuki's room, making sure to close her room door very quietly so that she doesn't wake up. I'm kind of worried to leave her alone in her room, but I have to show this to the other brothers and explain what happened.

Looks like luck has decided to side with me today as I saw Fuuto exit his room from the end of the hallway. I quickly rushed down the stairs, making sure he doesn't see me near Yuki's room and also making sure that Ema was not up yet. She wasn't. The brothers were in the living room, watching TV. How convenient.

I hid the knife in my pocket. I know it wasn't wise but I didn't have an option because Wataru was up and sitting beside Kaname as Ukyo was cooking breakfast. I slowly walk up to the brothers and smile at them.

"Morning." I greet them.

Some of them smile and nod while the others say "good morning" back to me. I walked towards Wataru.

"Hey! Can you wake up Yuki nee-chan for me?" I asked. His eyes immediately lit up at the mention of Yuki's name. He eagerly nodded his head and headed up to her room. Just the mention of her name brings joy to people.

"Now that he's gone, I have something to show and explain to you guys." I say with a serious tone.

"What is it Asuza? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Tsubaki asks.

"I'm fine Tsubaki but someone else isn't." I say.

"Who?" Subaru asks with a slight bit of interest.

"Yuki." I say and all the brothers either sigh or roll their eyes and groan, except for Subaru.

"Who the fuck cares about her?" Iori finally opens his mouth. He must be pretty serious because he usually doesn't curse.

"Okay for a fucking change, could you guys listen to what the fuck I have to say? Quit cutting me off. Let me finish, because this is quite serious and if either one of Fuuto, Natsume, Louis or Hikaru find out, hell is going to break lose." I say and they all shut up and pay attention to me.

"Thank you. Now, since yesterday Yuki was carried to her room by some guy, I was very worried about her. It's either that you guys didn't notice or you guys chose to ignore the fact that Yuki was literally shaking." I start.

"She was.....shaking?" Kaname asks, looking confused and shocked.

"Yes she was. So since you guys didn't bother to give her condition a second thought, I thought that I would check out what the hell happened. So that night when I went to Yuki's room only to see Ema with her, holding her hand." I was cut off once again.

"See? Ema is such an angel. She cares for Yuki even thought Yuki acts like a bitch towards her." Tsubaki cooed.

"Could you let me finish??! *Clears throat* Continuing where I left off. I saw Ema and was shocked. You guys might have been blinded by love and not seen the true fact but...Ema despises Yuki. And that is why I was shocked." And once more, I was cut off.

"I knew." Subaru said, barely above a whisper.

"What?" Ukyo asked.

"I said that I knew. I knew the fact Ema hates Yuki. You can clearly see it in her eyes. I don't know the reason. Who knows if there even is a reason. I just know that Ema hates Yuki to the core and cannot even stand her." Subaru says to the other brothers.

"As soon as I got out of my state of shock, I asked what she was doing there. Now, she made up a very stupid reason. She said that she wanted Yuki to get well soon so she came to give her lucky band to Yuki. Again, I know that Ema does not believe in this kind of stuff so I was confused but didn't push it. I told her go and take some rest. As I grabbed Yuki's desk chair and sat by the side of her bed, my leg hit some metal thing under the bed. As I looked below the bed, there was this knife." I hault and pull out the knife.

The brothers had their eyes wide open and mouths agape. Nobody asked any questions and I took that as a sign to continue.

"Now here is where I had to put in some actual thought. As soon as the guy left, no one entered the room except for Ema. After Ema was me. I had found the knife after Ema left the room. She got the knife in. But why? Maybe to harm Yuki because if she killed her, then mine and Subaru's suspicion would have gone straight to her." I was cut off. Once again. I swear to god these guys annoy the crap out of me.

"But how do you know that it is Ema for sure? Even if it was her, why would she leave it there?" Yuusuke asked.

"Let me complete and you'll understand everything. After I found the knife and figured out that Ema had gotten it in, I got paranoid. I didn't want Yuki to get hurt and so I stayed with her the entire night. I had hidden the knife in Yuki's drawer. Sometime later into the night, I was woken up by the sound of someone opening the door to Yuki's room. I opened my eyes very slightly and didn't move. It was Ema. As soon as she came in, she got onto her knees and started to search under the bed for the knife. She must have forgotten it when she was in a hurry to hide it.
Naturally, she wouldn't find because I had hidden it. After she searched for about a minute or two, she got up, mumbled 'Damn you Asuza' and left. She must have thought that I would have accidentally kicked it deeper in my sleep. And that is how I confirmed that it was her who got the knife in." I completed without anyone cutting me off, thankfully.

To say that the brothers were speechless would be an understatement. That is when Wataru comes running into the room.

"Fuu-nii said that he would wake her up." Wataru says, smiling.

"Oh okay!" I said and ruffled his hair as I hid the knife behind my back.

Ukyo-nii casually walks up to me and takes the knife in his hands. He tells Wataru to go and play and Wataru does so by playing the racing game that he loves. Ukyo-nii takes the knife back into the kitchen with him. The brothers all look pretty shaken up. I hope they soon see the terrible side of Ema.

Fuuto's POV
Wataru barges into the room, calling Yuki's name. I quickly shush him as I see Yuki stir in her sleep. He calms down and gets closer to me.

"What happened Wataru?" I ask as I pull one of his cheeks. He pouts cutely. I let his cheek go and ruffle his hair, bringing his smile back.

"Asu-nii told me to wake big sis up." He says cutely as I cooed at his cuteness.

Wait..... Asu-nii? Since when did he start giving a damn about Yuki?

"I'll wake her up Wataru don't worry." I smile back at the little boy.

"Okay! But can I hold her hand for sometime? Is she okay? She looks like she cried herself to sleep last night." He says as his frown turns upside down.

'Man! Children these days are becoming smart.'

"She's completely fine Wataru. Don't worry. You can sit with her for sometime but after that you have to go and play okay?" I say and he nods his head.

I let go of Yuki's hand and Wataru takes a hold of it with both his hands.

"I want to play with you big sis. I promise that I will win today." He says softly.

After a few minutes he lets go of Yuki's hand gently and I take a hold of it once again. He kisses her cheek and looks at me. We both smile at each other and he runs along.

'Why would Asu-nii want Yuki to wake up? I swear if there is something going on.....' I stop my thoughts from trailing on.

"I will protect you Yuki. I cannot lose you." I whispered to no-one in particular and place a soft kiss at the back of her hand.

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