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Fanfics de Under The Dome em Inglês - Mais de mil palavras sem a tag Vampiros

With you. :PARK JIMIN:

escrita por party_party_yeah
Fanfic / Fanfiction With you. :PARK JIMIN:
Em andamento
Capítulos 2
Palavras 2.421
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Under The Dome
Gêneros Ficção, Romântico / Shoujo
*this fan fiction purely based on author's imagination with no connection with reality

*story is not written by me credit goes to rightful owner

*story written by : yoongisaurus
about story :
There is one of the most successful ceo of korea 'park jimin'. He is currently is in love with his girlfriend named 'elena' they are in relationships with more then 5 years

What happens when he got to know his girlfriend is pregnant with someone else child..?

Lets see in the story :)
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